dijous, 12 de juny del 2014


A) Divide the group into small groups of two or three.

B) Each group has got a card.

C) The teacher asks for a student of each group to take the ball from the big ball.

D) The student has to describe a sport. It is very important that the rest of the group does not look at the ball.

E) Match the definition with the sport word.

F) When you have five sports in a line, your group says: LINE!

G) After one line, you need to complete all the chart and then, you can say: BINGO!

H) Before guessing the sport, they have to explain through structures ( they can look at some structures written on the dice).

I) If you can't guess the sport, you can have a look on some vocabulary related to the topic to help you.

J) You can't mime.

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